Collection of data through schedules

Category : Data collection
Date : July 11, 2014

Here the schedules are filled by the enumerators specifically appointed for the same. They are sent to respondents with the questions in order from the proforma to record the replies in the space meant for the same in the proforma. The aims and objectives of the investigation, thereby removing the difficulties any respondent might come across in the process.

This method basically requires the selection of enumerators to fill up schedules or to assist respondents filling up schedules, calling for right and careful selection of enumerators. Proper training should be provided to enumerators, also explaining the objectives and scope of investigation. Enumerators are expected to be intelligent, spontaneous to handle the queries or nay uncertain situation. They should be honest, sincere, and hardworking with good amount of patience and perseverance.

This method of data collection is very useful for extensive enquiries giving reliable results. The drawback here is that it is considered quite expensive and is made use of by government agencies or bigger organisations for the purpose of investigation. Population census across the world is conducted through this method of schedules.

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